Mistakes on Selecting Blog Topic – You Must Avoid

Every blog got single or more topics. If you decided to write about more topics in a single blog, then you require additional resources, energy and time. It’s recommended to stick with single topic when you and your blog is fresh. Here, I’m pointing out some mistakes on selecting blog topic that you must avoid to stay on blogging  for long time.

Mistakes on Selecting Blog Topic

In my opinion, its not advisable to change the topic of your blog frequently, which will confuse your readers.

Selecting a topic is tricky part in creating a blog. Because you have to stick with same topic till you quit blogging (hope you will not). Most of the new web masters and bloggers fail on this without deciding a correct topic.

Below, I have listed few mistakes on selecting  blog topic. Even after created a new blog, if you are not comfortable with the selection, then this is the time to change.

Common Mistakes on Selecting Blog Topic.

1)      You are not interested

People select topic for money when they are not interested. Some keywords available with high pay out, so they start to write about it for money. One day you will struggle if you are in this category. For how long you can write when you don’t have interest?

2)      Users are not interested.

OK, you selected a interested topic and want to write about it. But what is the use if others are not interested? We create blogs and websites for visitors. If you decided to write about your village, then think, who cares your village? Who wants to search about your village on Google? So, consider the users demand for a topic.

3)      Already covered in many Websites and Blogs.

Now, you found a topic with above two conditions. But if the same topic is already covered in most of the famous blogs, then it will be a difficult task to over take them. Make sure your it is unique and  less covered in other blogs. This factor will help to get more search engine traffic and blog referrals. Don’t select a topic which is already covered on internet.

4)      Writing About All

Don’t think to write about all topics on a blog. It’s impossible as a single person. You can’t cover them all; finally your visitors will be unhappy. When you have a blog about Windows Vista, it’s OK to write about Windows 7, but do not write about gardening.

5)      Less paying keywords

I said don’t select for money, but you have to consider this too. Most of us create websites and blogs to earn money. After you selected a nice topic as per earlier points, still if your blog is not making any money, then it can be a problem with topic again. Your topic must have some high paying keywords, good products to sell, affiliate and advertisements.

6)      Limitations

Selecting a topic which is targeting specific people or area may cause problems later. Internet is everywhere.  There are so many services available on internet to translate a blog, so don’t worry about language or region. In long term plan, your blog should cover everyone in the world. Google or facebook is not created for Americans only, correct?

Above mistakes on selecting blog topic are worth to avoid and correct.

Share your thoughts and experience on this subject.  Let’s make sure ‘ future bloggers’ don’t do these mistakes.

A part-time blogger who makes enough money to leave the full-time job, but still enjoying both jobs :) . Sharing the knowledge here to help everyone to build better blog and make money online.

  • Informative post buddy! I have wondered which niches I should choose. Blogging niche is quite crowded now meanwhile technology is too. I have only these two interests. Could you give my some advice on StarBlogger :-).

    • Vuong, welcome to my blog.
      You are correct, most of us limited with blogging and tech niches.

      My advice is to narrow these niches in to small. For example, my blog is a tech blog, but I narrowed it to ‘ desktop virtualization ‘. I know other things in tech, but I don’t write them. I know its useless.

      You can apply these technique to other all niches with more topics.

  • Nice tips mate! This is really useful for everyone.. Even if we have a great blog, if we always choose bad topics, they will say bye bye to our readers! You need to be careful when you choose topics to write 😀

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